Monday, April 10, 2006

Clear! I think I 've got a pulse.

In hopes of reviving a seemingly dead blog, I decided to post and try to gain some blog discipline.

I find it strange how difficult writing has become for me. A time existed when I could manufacture a well-crafted prose in a short time. Abruptly, that time ended for me in graduate school. I have experienced a massive writer's block ever since the last year of my college career. I attribute my difficulties to a ton of stress which I allowed to destabilize pretty much everything. Certainly, I did not feel most assignments carried the great importance placed on them by my professors. Possibly as damaging, I received adequate grades for my work. I have seldom received the kind of external motivation I feel I needed to help me achieve my potential.

I have just begun a book on spiritual discipline. I long to grow more deeply into the likeness of Christ. I am just diving in come what may. I hope partly this outlet will grant me the method to transmit my thoughts.

And so, my struggle continues. Maybe through constructing my thoughts here will both set my "pen" on the path to improvement and maybe, just maybe, make the Buzzard fly again.


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